How Company Culture Affects Success
UAS CEO Omar Hosari with some of the UAS family
UAS CEO Omar Hosari with some of the UAS family


How Company Culture Affects Success

Omar Hosari | - 12/19/2019
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Aviation, Executive Insight

How Company Culture Affects Success: The level of success an organization attains is often in direct proportion to the quality of its corporate culture… but what is company culture and how is it created? It’s important to understand this to appreciate how it has such a big impact on an organization’s success.

When we speak about company culture, we’re really referring to the individual personality of an organization… This encompasses its type of work environment, its core principles, values, ethics, priorities, and goals. The company culture is generally set by executive management and is developed through strong leadership, investment, and setting good examples.

Leading by example

First and foremost is the importance of leading by example. The most positive company cultures began in the imaginations of those companies’ leaders. You can be a source of inspiration to your employees- in the work environment and in their personal lives too. Setting excellent professional and ethical standards for your team goes without saying, however, taking the time and the effort to stand up for causes you believe in, or taking action to highlight or raise awareness of issues that are important to you, will inspire your employees to do the same in their own lives. Leading by example creates a company culture that makes real employee engagement possible.

Encouraging employee engagement

Good leaders will prioritize employee engagement because they desire a happy and productive workforce. When employees are engaged, they are more likely to take an interest in their colleagues and therefore collaborate and work more effectively. An atmosphere of engagement is the creation of a community within the workplace, and this, in turn, encourages employee innovation and creativity in their approach to work. So, it’s all about creating team spirit, a respectful team dynamic where employees look out for each other and support each other.

Prioritize employee engagement by facilitating open dialogue where employees can share their ideas or grievances, invest in their wellbeing through wellness programs and by organizing sporting events and family days, celebrate your organization’s achievements with them and encourage all departments to mix well and form bonds with each other.

A strong company culture and engaged employees means an organization retains its experienced and outstanding employees while keeping them happy and innovative. They’re more enthusiastic to be at work, work harder, reach higher levels of productivity, and display more loyalty to the organization. Staff operates as a unified and spirited team. Their great work/life balance means they have more energy… All these things contribute massively to productivity and therefore the success of an organization.