Fuel Management: How Operators Can Maximize Efficiency


Fuel Management: How Operators Can Maximize Efficiency

Ammar Al Mahmoud | - 03/27/2025
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Aviation, Featured, Planning and Operating

Fuel Management: How Operators Can Maximize Efficiency- Fuel management is a massive pain point in business aviation since it represents one of the largest outgoing costs for operators, and the most unpredictable. Since pricing is dependent on a plethora of factors such as supply chain issues, geopolitical instability, and global economics, its volatility is an unfortunate reality that must be grappled with. However, although these factors are out of our control, there are several steps operators can take to maximise efficiency and ensure better fuel management, making forecasting and controlling costs easier.   


Investing in More Fuel-Efficient Aircraft 

The first thing operators can do is to consider their fleet. The age and weight of aircraft has a big impact on their fuel consumption, and modern designs allow for more advanced aerodynamics and engines which can bring fuel consumption down by as much as 30%. True, the initial investment is significant, but for operators that fly frequently, the result in great savings over time. For those who are not in the market to upgrade, there are possibilities to invest in retrofit kits and engine modifications to improve overall efficiency.


Optimizing flight planning  

Better flight planning is central to better fuel management because optimized flight routes reduce consumption. Additionally, adjusting flight schedules to avoid unnecessary holding times also cuts fuel costs. Great flight planning and trip planning software that offers real-time data and status updates to an effective way to achieve this. By streamlining flight operations, operators can reduce unnecessary delays.


Working with the right fuel partner  

The partner an operator chooses to manage their fuel supply can have a significant impact on their outgoings. The right fuel partner will ensure fuel is delivered both quickly and economically, whether the location of the station is easily accessible or more challenging. They will also be able to offer operators cost savings through economies of scale. With high-volume fuel procurement, they should ensure their client always benefit from the most competitive pricing and even negotiate special discounted pricing. Additionally, for scheduled flights, they should offer exclusive fuel prices. By ensuring they are offer customised fuel solutions, operators can keep fuel costs as low as possible. Working with a fuel partner that can facilitate hydrant uploads also limits time on the ground and is better for the environment.


Considering SAF as a long-term alternative  

The volatility of traditional jet fuel prices makes fuel management more complicated for operators. This is leading some to consider becoming less reliant on it and transitioning to sustainable alternatives that have more stable prices because they are produced from waste and plant oils and not fossil fuels. Although SAF is currently quite pricey and not accessible at every station, the coming years will see more production leading to more affordability and availability. This makes it a solid long-term solution for better fuel economy, particularly for environmentally conscious operators. Also, the coming years are likely to see more incentives to be offered to operators that switch to SAF.


Although the volatility of fuel prices is a pain point that operators can’t control, these strategic steps will help them manage their fuel better. By being proactive and leveraging the right partners and management systems, operators can effectively manage fuel while maintaining profitability and competitiveness.


For support with your fuel requirements, contact UAS