Coronavirus Travel Restrictions in Africa: Here are the African country restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- All commercial and private flights are suspended
- There are exemptions for cargo and humanitarian flights
- Tech stops for crew are allowed for crew at FNLU, FNGI, FNMO, FNME, FNCA
- Night stops for crew are allowed at FNLU are specific hotels
- Passenger flights for business are still not allowed
- All commercial and private passenger flights to/from angola are suspended for the foreseeable
Anyone entering will be quarantined for 14 days.
- All non-citizens shall not be allowed entry and will be returned back to their origin airport
- For arriving citizens and residents of Botswana, a quarantine of 14 days is compulsory
Burkina Faso
Airport is closed to all commercial flights except national, military, cargo flights until April 4.
All international flights are suspended except cargo, humanitarian, and emergency operations.
Closed to international flights with the following exemptions:
- Aircraft in states of emergency
- Cargo flights
- Technical landing
- Medevac flights
- Repatriation and special flights authorized by government
- Night stops possible only at FKYS
Except aircraft in emergency, exempted flights must seek pre-authorization from the CAA at least 48 hours before the flight.
Cape Verde
- Only cargo, ambulances, and repatriation flights are allowed
- Crew must remain in the aircraft
Central African Republic
- Only medevac flights, tech stops for refueling, and cargo flights are allowed
- No night stops or crew entry is allowed
- Tech stops are allowed
- Nightstops for fuel only
The airport is expected to resume international flights on September 7
Cote d’Ivoire
International flights resumed from July 1.
All travelers to and from the Ivory Coast have been required to carry a COVID 19 test certificate dating no longer than 3 days ahead of travel.
Democratic Republic of Congo
The CAA of the DRC suspended all international flights or transits from high-risk countries since March 20.
- Only cargo flights containing essentials are allowed to land
- Domestic flights departing or arriving at FZAA have been suspended (except cargo)
- Techstops with no disembarkation may be considered for approval
- Lock-down effective from March 28 for 21 days with intermittent 2-day breaks every 4 days during this time
Djibouti has announced the resumption of commercial scheduled flights to Djibouti (HDAM) from July 18 with the following conditions:
- The airport is open for commercial scheduled flights only
- Private flights are not allowed to transport passengers to/from Djibouti except cargo, emergency, and repatriation flights
- Upon arrival, passengers will be screened for Covid-19 and if found positive will be quarantined for 14 days. If negative, they can proceed to immigration
- Covid-19 test will cost $30 per person
- Conditions for private flights:
- Tech stop for fuel is allowed where there is no embarkation or disembarkation of passengers
- Crew night stop is not allowed
No official communications from authorities, seems to be operating as usual.
Equatorial Guinea
In the second phase of relaxation of containment measures:
- International flight are authorized at the rate of one weekly flight per company and special authorization must be requested
- Passengers and crews arriving in Malabo must present a negative
- PCR test certificate valid for 48 hours, if not then a compulsory test, paid for by the passenger or crew member, will be done on arrival
- National airlines are authorized two flight per day
- All flights must abide by all pandemic prevention measures issued by
- Open to commercial flights
- Both inbound and outbound passengers must show a negative COVID19 test result issued no more than 5 days before by a WHO-recognised medical institution
- Overnight stays for crew are allowed under the same conditions
- Next review is September 30
- All international flights suspended until further notice except cargo, ambulances, and repatriation flights – these require landing permit approvals before arrival
- Crew must remain in the aircraft
- Kotoka International Airport is open to all flights
- Aircraft operators must inform passengers (incoming and outgoing) about the new passenger restrictions and health measures
Guinea Conakry
- All international flights suspended until further notice except cargo, ambulances, and repatriation flights
- Crew must remain in the aircraft
Guinea Bissau
Only the following flights are allowed to overfly, take off, or land at Osvaldo Vieira International Airport:
- Flights in a state of emergency
- Flyovers
- Humanitarian, medical, and rescue missions
- Cargo flights
- Aircraft that have taken GGOV as an alternative airport
- Technical stopover without passenger disembarkation
- Operations related to security
All flights require MOFA clearance.
Roberts International Airport (GLRB) has reopened for commerical flights.
Crew/passenger requirements:
- Practice health protocols prescribed by the health ministry
- Wear face mask at all times
- Constantly wash your hands
- Social distancing
- Avoid touching your face with your hands
- Cough into a tissue and dispose of it immediately
The following restrictions apply to all international flights until further notice:
- Only FMMI can be used as a port of entry
- All domestic stations are closed since March 18
- Passenger flights to FMMI continue to be suspended
- FMMI operating hours are 1800-0100 UTC
- Night stops are not allowed
- Technical stops for refuelling are the only flights allowed to operate as well as essential flights
- Passengers and crew are not allowed entry
- No passengers will be allowed entry or transit
- Crew members are allowed entry but must stay confined to their hotel rooms
- Only authorized aircraft may enter
Mauritius may be used as a location for alternate airport, however, if the aircraft lands, the following conditions must be met:
- The pilot-in-command must provide negative COVID-19 test certifcates valid for 5 days for all passengers and crew
- The passengers and crew shall stay on board until departure
- If the aircraft can’t depart, the airline must arrangements to shift all passengers and crew to a hotel and cover the cost and other expenses
- During their stay, visitors must abide by the prevailing sanitary protocols
- Arriving passengers must complete the passenger tracking form and present to airport officials on arrival
- Present the results of a negative COVID test no more than 72 hours old
- Passengers who fail to present negative results must undergo a COVID test on arrival
- If this test is positive, passengers must self quarantine for 14 days
- The cost of the testing and quarantine will be borne by the passenger
- Crew do not have to undergo testing unless they show symptoms of COVID-19
- Only essential flights such as cargo, repatriations, and medevacs are allowed (including tech stops and night stops)
- Approvals granted on a flight-by-flight basis
- For night stops, crew must carry a negative COVID-19 result
- Arriving passengers must present a negative PRC test result on arrival
- International passenger flights are not allowed to operate to the country
- There are no restrictions in place for cargo aircraft, but it is important to advise the crew that a visa is not required if they stay at MPM for less than 48 hours
Namibia is open for Business flights, FYWH is the port of entry.
Passengers require the following:
- PCR tests done before 72hours of arrival in Namibia
- Permit application through Diplomatic channels as per the AIC
- Business visas are required
- Passenger hotels must be approved by Ministry of Health
- Passenger have to state the true purpose for Business travel on company letterhead
All domestic operators wishing to operate within Namibia are no longer required to seek pre-authorisation.
Pre-authorisation is required by all relevant authorities and ministries for all operations into and out of Namibia before the NCAA will issue authorisation letters including overflight and landing clearance for:
- Cargo flights
- Technical flights
- Humanitarian/ medevac/ repatriations
- UN flights
Passengers on board shall not be permitted to disembark without prior authorisation.
Crew members may not disembark as directed in the state of emergency statement.
FYWH is still the only operational international port of entry for Namibia with the other airports only operating domestic flights.
Next review date is September 30.
- All arrviing passengers must present results of a negative PCR test no more than 96 hours old before being allowed to board flights – failure to do this will incite a fine of 3,500USD per passenger
Niamey, Agadez, and Zinder airports are closed to all inbound international flights until July 25 with the following exemptions:
- Aircraft in states of emergency
- Cargo flights
- Overflights
- Humanitarian/ medevac flights
- Military flights
- Technical landings with no passenger disembarkation
- Alternative airports on flight plan including en-route alternative in which case, passenger disembarkation is not authorized. Crew members who have authorization to disembark shall observe the health measures decreed by the state.
- Open to commerical flights since August 1
- Open to eneral aviation flights, aircraft in states of emergency, cargo flights, technical landings, humanitarian, medevac, repatriation flights, charter, and private flights for tourists
- Roland Garros airport (FMEE) is operational
- There is no restriction for crew rest
- Lockdown has ceased and hotels are open
Airports open for commercial operations since July 15.
- All passengers will undergo a temperature check and they must provide hotel destination details
- A rapid COVID-19 test will be carried out if the devices are available at the airport (results in 15mins)
- If the rapid test is not available at the airport, the passengers must present themselves for a test under 48 hours of arrival
- If passengers cannot produce prove of the above, they will be fined
- Passengers must wear mask and maintain social distancing and disinfect their hands regularly
- Those without symptoms will be asked to self-quarantine for at least 24 hours and anyone who notices COVID-19 symptoms must inform the authorities immediately
Sierra Leone
Lungi International Airport is open to all commercial airlines.
Arriving passengers are required to adhere to the following requirements:
- Must wear masks during any time at the airport and onboard
- Shall produce a negative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) on arrival
- Produce a negative COVID-19 test result issued no longer than 72 hours before departure
- At the check-in desk at the airport of embarkation, passengers are required to display government authorization to travel to Sierra Leone
Resumed international commercial flights on August 1 under the following conditions:
- Visitors coming from low risk countries must have a negative COVID-19 PCR certificates from an authorized laboratory dated no more than 72 hours from the date of travel
- Please click here for the list of approved low and medium risk countries.
- All negative test result certificates, flight, and accommodation details must be sent to the Public Health Authority
- Visitors must ensure that accommodation bookings are made only at licensed accommodation establishments certified by the Public Health Authority
- Visitors must have valid travel insurance with full medical coverage for the duration of their stay
All international flights suspended except medevacs.
South Africa
All international and regional flights are prohibited irrespective of the risk category of the country of origin unless authorized by the Ministry of Transport or an exceptional flight detailed below.
- Technical stops for refueling where passengers do not disembark
- Cargo – disembarkaition of crew is permitted subject to quarantine laws. Cargo flights will e subject to sanitation requirements
- Aircraft in states of emergency
- Repatriation flights
- Charter flights with crew but no passengers
- Evacuation of South Africans from foreign countries when passengers have fully paid their ticket cost and are ready to quarantine for 21 days
- Air ambulances (may not carry passengers, only crew and patients)
Flights other than repatriations, evacuations, aircraft in states of emergency, cargo, or air ambulance operations must get written permission from the Department of Transport.
Khartoum airport will accept flights from Egypt, UAE, and Turkey (other countries will be added as they re-open).
- Flights from countries under lockdown will be treated on a case-by-case basis under charter flight procedure
- Technical stops are allowed with no passengers disembarkation
- Domestic flights continue to be suspended
- Sudanese passengers and foreigners with Sudanese origin will undergo COVID-19 testing on arrival
- All other nationalities must possess a certified negative PCR test result from 72 hours prior to their arrival
- Scheduled cargo flights , including those from lockdown countries, are allowed to operate as per their schedule
- Humanitarian, medical, relief, UN agencies and oil services flights must obtain prior approval from Sudan Civil Aviation Authority
South Sudan
The reopening of South Sudan for domestic, regional and international flights requires social distancing, wearing of face masks and gloves throughout flight and airport time.
- Resumption of domestic flights will be on July 15
- International flights resume on August 1 in strict conformity to guidelines issued by Ministry of Health
- Cessation of movement in and out of Nairobi, Mombasa, and Mandera to lapse on July 7
- Nationwide dusk to dawn curfew extended until early August.
- All International flights into the country are suspended from April 20.
- Only cargo flights are exempted but crew will be quarantined for the duration of their stay.
- Technical stops where there is no embarkation or disembarkation can be allowed subject to approval by the TCAA Director Economic Regulations (DER).
The application process is as usual, however, only the DER can grant approval.
Application should be made at least 72 hours ahead of the flight with the knowledge that approval can be denied.
Tunisia reopened its borders on June 27, creating two lists of countries that are eligible to visit Tunisia for the purposes of tourism.
- International commerical flights are suspended
- Medevac, cargo, tech stops and special flights require special authorizations
- Any disembarkation pf passengers is prohibited
All international flights are suspended except emergency and cargo flights.
- All flights are allowed
- Arriving passengers must fill out the health declaration form and present to officials on arrival
- All arriving passengers and crew will be subjected to temperature and symptom screening
- The next review will take place on September 26
- Night stops and tech stops are not allowed
- Health screening protocols will apply for all arrivals
While the Information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the Information. The Information may change without notice and UAS is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or in any way interpreted and used by a user.
We advise you to contact your trip support partner for the latest restrictions.
For support with your flight operations, contact UAS