How Wellbeing Can Elevate The Aviation Workplace

How Wellbeing Can Elevate the Aviation Workplace

I may be just a little biased, but to me, aviation is the most exciting and dynamic industry on the planet! On the one hand, it combines the most sophisticated engineering and technological advances, and on the other, it harnesses the power of abundant creativity and imagination… A truly inspiring industry to be part of. And often, (it must be said) quite a stressful one. A small price to pay for the dynamism and excitement, however, stress is toxic for our health and wellbeing, as well as for organizations’ productivity and performance.
The Evolution Of Charter Operations

The Evolution of Charter Operations

In the final UAS Forward Discussion at EBACE, we put the focus on charter operations, the relationship between charter brokers and operators, and how this dynamic will continue to evolve in the future. We were delighted to welcome some of the industry’s outstanding charter experts representing both brokers and large and small operators. They were Julie Black of Hunt and Palmer, Bernhard Fragner of Globe Air, Fadi Al Samad of Elit'Avia, and Alex Durand of SaxonAir. We were also happy to welcome the European Business Aviation Association’s (EBAA’s) Paul Walsh as moderator. As well as giving a great insight into the current state of the charter market globally, the panel discussion also explored whether smaller operators could compete with the rise of the mega operator.
China Halves Quarantine For International Visitors

China Halves Quarantine for International Visitors

China has relaxed entry requirements for international visitors by halving quarantine time to seven days. The rules regarding crew entry will vary from airport to airport so operators are advised to check with their trip support provider on a case-by-case basis. The latest version of the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Plan released by the National Health Commission at the end of June stated that the quarantine time for inbound travelers and close contacts of confirmed cases has been reduced in the majority of the cities in China.
Greater Efficiency With Less Manpower – How Technology Is Transforming BizAv

Greater Efficiency with Less Manpower – How Technology is Transforming BizAv

During EBACE, we at UAS were determined to unite some of the best thought leaders in our industry to have some meaningful and insightful discussions about the trends that are impacting us all right now. In the first of The Forward Discussion panels, we focused on how technology and its power to transform business aviation by optimizing efficiency and quality and bringing greater efficiency with less manpower.
What Operators Must Know About Eu-LISA Registration  

Exemptions to eu-LISA

The eu-LISA IT system is going live this September for all operators organizing missions to Europe. Privately operated aircraft, owned by a private individual or organization, conducting non-commercial flights under NCC/NCO rules are not required to comply with EES and ETIAS requirements, even in the cases with professional paid crew members.
Creating A Sustainable Future For Business Aviation

Creating a Sustainable Future for Business Aviation

EBACE, like all other major industry events, is the perfect opportunity to inspire idea-sharing and create synchronicities. We at UAS wanted to bring different experts together to share their visions and hopes for the future, to give their companies a platform, and to support their ambitions to bring our industry forward. Therefore, we created The Forward Discussion and invited diverse experts to join us at our booth and discuss some of the most prominent trends in business aviation. Our second panel centered on sustainability and posed the question: How can we create a sustainable future for business aviation?
UK-TCO Authorization Online Application Is Live

UK-TCO Authorization

On the UK’s exit from the European Union on 31 December 2020, the UK CAA took over the responsibility from EASA for administering TCO Authorisations in respect of all commercial services undertaken within UK territory. The United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union, and withdrawal from the European Air Safety Agency (EASA), have led to a number of changes to the basis through which the UK authorizes the initial safety evaluation procedure of foreign commercial air carriers.
Long-term Strategies For The Future Of Business Aviation

Long-term Strategies for the Future of Business Aviation

In the dynamic world of business aviation, day-to-day operational challenges mean that focusing on the long term is often put off till another day. Nonetheless, developments in sustainability, new technologies, and regulations are reshaping our industry. At the EBAA Ambassador’s Thought Leadership Session at EBACE, my fellow panelists and I were asked to reflect on the evolutions that will impact business aviation in the years to come and discuss strategies to embrace future changes for the benefit of the whole industry.
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